Jake Berman

"Regular Health & Golf Tips From Physical Therapist Dr. Jake Berman..."

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This 2-Step Progression Will CHANGE YOUR SWING!

The golf swing is so simple, it’s so easy, a caveman can do it, right? But we overcomplicate it, so let’s try to simplify it. In its simpleness, all we do is we rotate and we lift. But then we do all sorts of crazy things to undo it. So the way Case puts it very simply, our PGA Pro here is, you can’t make one movement out of two. So when you’re trying to learn how to do this thing the right way, remember we are rotating and then lifting. So in order to undo it, undo the lift and then rotate through. Seems very segmented, however if you do it slowly over and over again, you’ll start to train your brain how to sequence it
the right way. So here we go. Rotate, lift, unlift, rotate back. Am I doing that a good enough case? Rotate, lift, unlift, rotate back. Man, that was easy right there. So remember, you can’t make one movement out of two. Rotate, lift, unlift, rotate back. Rotate, Lift, unlift, rotate back. Do it over and over again and it will help you avoid the over the top because we’re trying to get to the ball so fast that the only thing we can do from here is come out of it and then the rest is a disaster. So take your time, be disciplined, rotate, lift, unlift, rotate back. Rotate, lift, unlift, rotate back. Man, that felt good. That was probably 180-yard 8-iron right there, boy. I’ll tell you what.
Let me know what you think. Simple. Get repetitions in over and over again. Like and subscribe if you want more simple drills like this. Online tee shot transformation. Tons of quality value in there. Let me know what you think.

We have collaborated with Jamie and The Swing Plate!!! To check out their instagram page click this link —- https://www.instagram.com/theswingplate/ We also have an affiliated code! Make sure to click this link to purchase a swing plate and use code: BERMANGOLF for 10% off!! — https://theswingplate.com/?wpam_id=41

Want to learn more about our brand new Ai Swing Inefficiency Assessment? Click here to view!

Check out our Tee Shot Transformation!!

🏌️‍♂️ ⛳️ Our 6-module Online Golf Program: quickly and simply increase your distance off the tee and hit shorter irons into the green without spending hours on the driving range! https://bermangolf.com/tee-shot-transformation-program/

⛳️ 👉 Check out our website for even more golf tips and resources! https://bermangolf.com/

Facebook: Berman Golf

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Let’s Start Your Journey Today!

Move Better. Hit The Ball Farther.

đź“ŤNaples, Florida

Website: https://bermangolf.com/

Email us: Distance@Bermangolf.com

Call us: (239) 431-0232

Dr. Jake Berman

Dr. Jake Berman

After graduating from the University of Florida, Dr. Jake Berman, PT, DPT sought out mentorship first from Bob Seton in Destin, FL and then from Aaron Robles in Jacksonville, FL. Both of these mentors have 20+ years of experience helping people keep active and mobile so they can enjoy high quality active lifestyles. What Jake found was that back pain was by far the most debilitating pain and the highest factor leading to decreased physical activity later in life. These experiences are what inspired Jake to specialize in helping people aged 50+ keep active, mobile and pain free despite the aging process. There is nothing more rewarding than being able to alleviate somebody’s back pain so that they can get back to living their best life- especially in Naples! Over the years of helping 100’s of people aged 65-75 become stronger and pain free, one thing for sure has become apparent: “he who rests rots”. Jake is a firm believer that we become stiff then old, not old then stiff. Seriously, think about it...
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