There’s a lot of buzz out lately on how to shallow the club and I’ve heard a lot of technical things and a lot of them are really hard to execute if you’re not a really good athlete or like Gumby and super flexible or playing on Sundays on TV. So I’m going to go over some really simple visuals that might help you figure out why you’re struggling so hard to shallow the club. Here’s what the vast majority of golfers are doing right now. In the address position, the first move that golfers are making is inside. I’m sure you’ve probably heard this before, where the first move that people are taking is they’re taking the club back inside. Now, if that’s the way that I’m taking the club back into the golf swing, it is almost impossible for me to make it shallow from there because I’ve already gone back inside.
now I’ve got to be some type of magician or, not magician, something like at the circus. I’m forgetting the name of it right now. What is it called? Where somebody that can just manipulate your body like crazy to freaking come back over here. Now, here’s the easiest thing that you can do to shallow the club the Once you’ve got the swing plate and you’ve got the double swing plate this makes life so much easier because now if you take the club straight back Then once you get to the top, then it’s super easy to shallow the club from there. Because it’s just giving you a visual. These plates or the sticks in the plate are just giving you a really good visual on, oh yeah, I am taking the club back inside.
If I’m taking it back inside, it is almost impossible to bring it back down and shallow it even more. But if I take the club head straight back, then if I just start to clear my head, hips. The club shaft shallows naturally. I’m not manipulating it or anything. I’m not doing anything with my hands. I’m not doing anything crazy. This isn’t hard. I’m not a flexible guy and this is super easy. It’s super comfortable. If I take the club back inside, like the majority of amateur golfers, it is really hard for me to try to shallow it. I can’t even begin to shallow it more than I already did it. And what ultimately happens is when you bring it inside, you pretty much are forced to come over the top because your body just can’t do it.
So practice this drill. Take the club head straight back away from the ball. Think about extending your hands away your chest as far as you possibly can. Think about keeping that club face pointing at the ball as long as you possibly can and that will help you start to bring the club head straight back. Once you get to the top, then all you have to do is start clearing your hips and it will start to shallow naturally. Simplify it. Make it easier. It doesn’t have to be more complicated than it is. Golf swing already is complicated, right? Simplify it. Listen to your body. Take it straight back. Get the belt buckle moving. It’s going to shallow naturally. Like, comment, subscribe. Let me know what you think.
Let me know. Is that going to help? If you want more simple tips like that, check out the T-Shot Transformation. Online module sent straight to your email. Super effective. People are loving this thing all over the country and all over the world. Check it out on the show notes. And until next time, yeah!
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